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Little Rock Police Officer Arrested On Duty

At about 3pm January 26, 2009, Officer Jamie Parker received the surprise of her life when she showed up for work that day. According to confidential sources, she was informed that she is wanted by the Cabot Police Department for Hot Checks and driving with a suspended license. It was also indicated that Little Rock Police Department issued her an additional ticket for driving with a suspended license also, once being informed that they had a criminal officer driving a city cop car around town giving other people tickets. ACIC caught her LRPD DID NOT. In fact, she is a decorated officer on the force, there are records of awards she has received.

I attempted to acquire a comment on this issue as well as a few others that I fully intend to publish in an ongoing investigatory series called: DIRTY DEALINGS IN LITTLE ROCK, exposing corruption in local and state government. Needless to say, I was directed to Public Affairs to have a chat with them, "the matter is still under investigation".

Though this high ranking member of the LRPD Administration was rather mum on this particular issue, This individual did express some displeasure regarding the "leaking lips" within the department, prior to the matter being fully vetted. More to come on this particular story, moving on.

There are several reasons why I have chosen to publish this particular article at this particular time. One of which simply is, I am tired as hell of this blatant in-your-face Jim Crow style corruption crap and I'm not going to take it anymore.

Though that may seem reason enough, I'll give you a few more. If I don't expose this rampant practice of governmental corruption, practically no one will in this tight-knit corrupt city. The prior story of Officer Parks being arrested reporting in to work is a clear example.

I'm not the only reporter that has received tips on the Officer Parks affair, in fact, all local major news outlets have been made aware of the story at least since the 27th of January, yet who is doing all the tellin'? A world-wide syndicated Social Justice blogger.

Now, when I mention the word "corrupt", I'm not singling out Little Rock as being anymore corrupt that any other Jim Crow era southern city.

Anecdotally, I can tell you that Pulaski County Arkansas as a whole, has definitely earned the Jim Crow Corruption award in my qualified & documented opinion. This place is just as segregated as ever, OK, so-called Blacks, Whites & Hispanics do work alongside each other for a paycheck, but they are no more TRULY integrated than they were fifty years ago. Nor is there any genuine desire to do so among ANY of the so-called "racial" groups in general.

Since I'm the one that has mentioned "race", let me give you a quick window of some of my views of "racialism" as an American Creole Indian. We believe & know that "race" is a phoney notion of an invention designed by slave-holding Virginians growing tobacco in the 1600's. "Race" as we Americans know it, is a debunked concept, a notion, created to force a social caste system similar to the India's upon the citizens of this Great Experiment called The United States of America:

Human to human total genetic variation is approximately 0.5%. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are single base-pair DNA differences accounting for 0.1% variation. Based only on this SNP variation of 0.1%, this implies that the genomes of any two random humans are expected to differ by about 3 million base pairs. Of this 0.1% difference, 85% is found within any given population, 7% is found between populations within a continent and only 8% is found on average between the various continental populations. Thus there is more genetic diversity within a continental population than between these populations. Based on this observation, Richard Lewontin has claimed that accurate classification of humans is therefore impossible and can have no taxonomic utility. However, this view has been rejected by A. W. F. Edwards in his paper entitled Human Genetic Diversity: Lewontin's Fallacy, Edwards shows that accurate classification of humans is possible because most of the data that distinguishes populations occurs in correlations between allele frequencies, although these classifications vary depending on a number of criteria, such as sampling strategy, type of locus, distribution of loci around the genome and number of loci. On the other hand Witherspoon et al. (2007) have shown that even when accurate classification of human populations is achieved, often individuals classified into different groups are more genetically similar to each other than to members of their own group. This seems to be due to the fact that multi-locus clustering does not take into account the genetic similarities between individuals, and only uses population level traits for comparison. Witherspoon et al. conclude that accurate classification of individuals drawn from a continuously varying human population may be impossible. Compared with other species the amount of genetic diversity among humans is relatively small. For example two random chimpanzee are expected to differ by about 1 in 500 DNA base pairs, equivalent to double the diversity amongst humans. This may indicate that chimpanzees have existed as a species much longer than humans.[3].

Back to the stories of corruption in government. The Arkansas Democrat Gazette came out with a story about an undercover narcotics cop. They basically gave the reader the impression that this cop was likely driving an undercover police vehicle while under the influence. They are waiting for the blood test to come back. well, apparently this cop rolled his vehicle on the 2400 block of Lawson Rd. where an off-duty first responder aided him and set the story in motion.

They failed to mention his name, but I have no problem doing so, just remember, Jason Knowles is considered innocent till proven guilty like the rest of us. Whatever the heck that is supposed to mean. It was also mentioned to me that Jason had a prior DWI arrest but was hired back on to the force anyway.

Speaking of being under the influence, what was the LRPD thinking when Officer/Patrolman Greg Smith failed a random test and blew a .04 Blood Alcohol level while still on duty? Fired right? NOPE, 30 day suspension & a desk job.

That's RIGHT a FRIGGIN' DESK JOB. I asked my high ranking Administrator at the LRPD about this. Since it is a matter of public record I was able to get a comment this time. "LRPD Admin. can do one of three basic things when it comes to these matters. There is a process agreed upon with the Police Union. We can terminate the officer/patrolman for just cause. We may demote him or issue him under the heading of Suspensions a letter of reprimand up to no more than a 30 day suspension.". Since he is a patrolman there was no demotion option, firing an officer isn't always so easy with the union & 30 days is the most an officer is allowed on suspension. Interesting, I need a union like that, damn.

While I'm at it, I might as well mention something about TAKE HOME PATROL CARS. This has been a bone of contention on MANY fronts for MANY individuals within and out of the LRPD. I'm personally looking into take-home patrol vehicles because a particular dirty cop that has focused upon myself, Ean Bordeaux, is one of the guilty parties.

A mounted patrolman named Shannon Dewayne Cox of 5915 Buffalo River North Little Rock, was recently "dimed on" for taking his mounted patrol truck home to work with him. He used to live in Maumelle, where this unpermitted practice went undetected. He unwisely thought that he could continue this unpermitted practice in North Little Rock, where recently North Little Rock cops have come under fire for spending too much time on their cell phones and were ordered to ante up their personal phone records and cut duty phone time to no more than 15mins per shift.

Wrong move dirty cop, the LRPD Mounted Patrol Truck is SUPPOSED to stay with the HORSE not go home with the JACKASS!

More stories of government corruption to come in this investigatory series. The Mexican Consulate is working on reports that three Mexican murder/robbery victims might have had a living chance if a particular officer had not "sat" on a previous hit & run report involving one of the robber/murderers. This same officer is rumoured to be facing felony charges on another issue as well as failing to act properly and accordingly regarding a hit and run case this past New Years eve.

I'm going to mention this next "matter" without the name of the officer, not because I know the officer personally, but because there are children involved. It really sucks that certain officers can simply "forget themselves" assault a fellow officer and children and think that there should be no more serious consequences than what he has received. I admonish all those responsible for the safety of US to first look in the mirror EVERY single morning before you put on that badge & that gun to give me or anyone else a citation, intervene in domestic complaints & so forth, ask yourself:
We aren't just going to discuss corrupt cops, but it sure is a good starting point.
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American Creole Indian Nation Salutes a Great Warrior Of Our People I have always known Gilbert Martin to be a painfully honest and fortright man. His answers to my questions and his encouragements within the darkness, were and shall always be priceless to me now and in the future. He was an honorable warrior of his people at all times and in all places.
You remain dearly missed, Great Leader.
Ean Lee Bordeaux, pro per
Chief Elder, Bordeaux Band, De' Choctaw Clan
Louisiana Creole Indians
Gilbert Martin, the greatest Militant Creole of the USA

It was with very much grief and sadness that I learned from my dear friend Marion that Gilbert Martin passed away on 19th November 2005. While many would say that the Creole community have seen many militants among its ranks, among whom your obedient servant, I would, without reserve and hesitation admit that that I am a baby as compared to the way Gilbert Martin fought to position the Creole culture in the USA and on the world stage.

While many would associate Louisiana with the birth and development of Creolism in the USA , the history of Creolism cannot be written without a special mention to Gilbert Martin. Gil was born and grew up in the seventh ward of New Orleans and spent most of his adulthood there. He saw the city grew up and even participated in its development having been in the construction industry. Even though he was a black man, he always assert himself as a French Creole and maintain that black, white or colored Creoles have always been a free and much a l’avant garde of the other communities. He advocated that the USA government should recognize the identity and uniqueness of the Creole people and that the Louisiana Purchase Treaty was fraud and illegal as it did not respect some of its clauses when it relates to the people. If the Treaty was to be enforceable it should have compensated for the lost of all privileges that the Creoles enjoyed prior to the American taking over the state of Louisiana. (Please see his article on LPT).

Gilbert has, throughout his life, and until his death, defied the USA establishment that Creoles should still feel free and not abide to the USA laws as they are still an independent nation. He set the example by going as far suing the USA government for breach of the LPT contract and asking for compensation.

Well before any structure was set up in Louisiana, Gilbert created the International French Creole society. When I asked him why “international” he explained that he knew that Creoles did not only exist in the USA only, but that there were creoles in Haiti and in the West Indies. He was expecting to connect with them one day. His wishes and dream started to materialize when I met Mario for the first time at the 2004 Creole convention organized by the CHC of Natchitoches in Las Vegas. Marion who saw my sincerity and dedication said that I should meet her friend Gilbert Martin, a Creole pioneer who is unfortunately old and living in a nursing home in California. I was overwhelmed but as I was already scheduled to go to New Orleans, I postponed that appointment for later. As soon as I got back to Australia , Gilbert and I started to communicate via e-mail. I was surprised how he so skillfully mastered the communication technology and how his mind was still very alert; I discovered a man of high intellect and sincerity. There was no doubt for me that that I had to meet that man and wanted more people to know about him and hear what he had to say. This was to be realized with the Symposium of Las Vegas. It was on 18th May 2005 at Tuscany Hotel that we met for the first time and I could not describe how I was pleased to dinner with him and we talked and talked. Gilbert was indeed an old and frail man but he still spoke with much conviction and told me that we creoles should never give in and that we have to keep our culture alive. I was never tired of listening to all these anecdotes and how he always rocked the boat and always told them an African American but a French Creole. He was not happy to see that the Cajuns had highjacked the Creole cuisine and music. He always talked about the LPT and the book of Grace King or how he dragged, nurtured and educated Terrell Delphin into Creolism. He had great dream for a Creole institute which was to be set up in California. He drew a parallel with the fight of the Red Indians and that Creoles should also have the land and a big casino. He had a dream for the Creoles of the USA and the world to be a great nation where the other civilizations and culture would recognize us as well.

These words are just a few as there could be enough to say about his life which could be a best seller, but as he has always been humble and fought alone most of the time against all odds, even against the critics of Creoles like him who might have misinterpreted his action or again did not give him much consideration because he was black, but all I can assure Creoles al over the world that I have been close enough to him to know that he was never a racist and has always thought of Creole as a Cultural entity and a people regardless of colour or class.

May he rest in peace but let his legacy lives on.

Louis G de Lamare Lamvohee
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This is a true & FULLY documented accounting of a R.I.C.O. coverup of violent crimes against children by Arkansas' Pulaski County Special School District ( PCSSD ) & Pulaski County Sheriff's Office:

Please click here to read what the Department of Education Has to say about these heinous claims.

These heinous acts occurred under the auspices and direction of academic adults charged with the safety and education of our American Creole children.
This public trust was severely violated. Arkansas State Prosecutor Larry Jegley has ignored the blatent criminal evidence against these corrupt officials, even though the Arkansas Department of Education has provided him with ALL of the proof he could ever need.

Instead, he only prosecutes two TOKEN criminal student participants and let's all the others go so they can cover up the REAL crime:


THE TRUTH ON TAPE!!!!!!!!!!! Please Click HERE!!!!!

Brought to you by The American Creole Indian Nation & PCSSD Fraud Watch



Case Number(s): IN-2004-2283

NAMES: Serenity Goodwin Complainant

Turner Goodwin Complainant

Stacey Goodwin Mother of Complainant

Shaneka Cloud Defendant

Venita Williams Aunt of Defendant, Guardian

Wanzer Adams Aunt of Defendant (Fraudulent DHS Employee), Guardian



Note: the following statements are made under appropriate penalties of perjury and defamation and/or slander. My children and I are also ready willing and prepared to submit ourselves to polygraph examination in extended efforts to further corroborate our factual claims and clarify the scope of what we have witnessed this day. Any statement(s) in response to this notice MUST carry the exact same attestation or shall not be acknowledge as a valid and credible response to this valid notice now in force.

In light of the following, please find that it is a:

1. Fact, that in the presence of Mediator Nancy W. Mathews, Defendant Shaneka Cloud did confess and implicate co-gang member Sholanda Gilliam, to being both members of the street and school gang C.A.S.H. (Check All Silly Hoes), of which she gang imported Louisiana interstate to Arkansas and established with “three members”. She also admits fighting for her “sisters” in Louisiana.

2. Fact, Defendant did stipulate to and verbally waived contest of Complainant Serenity Goodwin’s accounting of the events in question.

3. Fact, Defendant did admit to developing the idea to commit her assault against Complainant after she believed Complainant was associated with a “rumor” at Fuller Middle School.

4. Fact, Defendant did confess to initiating by confronting Complainant Alex Goodwin and issued threats of violence to both him as well as his sister, Complainant Serenity Goodwin.

5. Fact, Defendant did confess to then confronting Complainant Serenity Goodwin at the bus stop with additional threats of physical harm.

6. Fact, when confronted with evidence, Defendant did stipulate that she did indeed make additional threats to physically harm Serenity Goodwin in the presence of three employees of Fuller Middle School.

7. Fact, Mother of Complainants did indeed give an accounting of additional threats of physical harm against said Complainants.

8. Fact, Defendant did stipulate that she was indeed present when explicatives and threats of murder, “Bitch, we’re gonna’ slit yo’ throat!”, were being yelled from a moving vehicle being driven by a male. She further verbally implicated her “sister”/co-gang member as uttering the actual death threat to “slit Complainant’s throat”.

9. Fact, Defendant did offer that she did no want to “fight” the Complainant but she was obligated by her “sister”/co-gang member Sholanda Gilliam.

10. Fact, Defendant did implicate Sholanda Gilliam as the initiator of all threats on the bus and Defendant claims that she simply laughed in support of her “sister’s” threats.

11. Fact, Defendant did implicate Sholanda Gilliam as departing from bus, following Complainant Serenity and striking the Complaint from behind, then hitting Complainant from behind a second time as Complainant was attempting to avoid the melee.

12. Fact, Defendant confessed that she then struck the Complainant from behind, but did not know how the Complainant fell.

13. Fact, Defendant admits that in the presence of numerous witnesses they then began to chase the Complainant to her house after the Complainant escaped their melee.

14. Fact, Mother of Complainant then testifies that additional death threats were made in the presence of numerous witnesses outside of her home as the Defendant and her gang confronted the mother and demanded that she allow them to physically harm her child while yelling threats of death.

15. Fact, when confronted by credible witness accounts, the Defendant did indeed further stipulate that she did indeed trespass upon church property with the specific intention of making even more additional threats of physical harm to Complainant Serenity Goodwin specifically.

16. Fact, that in the presence of Mediator, the Aunt of Defendant indicated that even the administration at Fuller Middle School agreed that if a specific “Adult” would have just stayed out of it, the kids could have worked it out “by themselves.”

17. Fact, Aunt then backpedaled and futilely attempted to recant her questionable statements that directly implicated the Fuller Middle School Administration. After Mediator verbally disagreed with Aunt of Defendant’s questionable statements, Mediator ordered the Complainants out of the room. When the Complainants returned, The Aunt of the Defendant then attempted to request that all statements made by her that implicated the Fuller Middle School Administration remain in the room, and struck from record. She expressed a concern that they (Fuller Middle School Administration) might become aware of her “slip of the lip” before being summarily stopped by the Mediator in her effort to prevent the Aunt of Defendant from implicating third parties even further as it pertains to their motives. In summary, advising the Defendant to remain silent about that specific matter of the mediation, outside of Mediator charge. [You know, PRACTICING LAW (in a very anti-Creole sorta' way) in a so-called mediation. Hint- that's illegal both FED & State]

18. Fact, Defendant additionally indicated that her motivation for harming Complainant, Serenity Goodwin was the defensive marks that her “sister” Sholanda received upon her face in their attempt to seriously harm Complainant, Serenity Goodwin.


I, Stacey Goodwin find that in light of the lack of remorse and refusal to cease threats to commit 1st degree murder against my only daughter by repeated threats to “slit” her throat, please find the following:

1. We fully intend to press forward with the State criminal prosecution of Shaneka Cloud & Sholanda Gilliam including but not limited to how it relates to her documented gang activities and her participation in the Fuller Middle School Gang Cover-up and her various felonious activities associated. Ms. Mathews, please refer this case to Terry forthwith as promised.

2. In light of the documented threats to commit murder against Serenity Goodwin, I shall be filing additional State and Federal Complaints against the other identified participants as it pertains to these matters including recommendations for criminal/civil investigations specifically and generally of Fuller Middle School Administration, including but not limited to aiding/abetting delinquency of minors, criminal/civil negligence and criminal/civil RICO.

3. Mediator, I fully expect you to comply with all Federal and State statutes mandating you to immediately report all threats of harm as evidenced this day. I shall be contacting you in one business day to confirm that said actions have been implemented forthwith.

Again, thank you in advance.
Stacey Goodwin, pro per 1-07-05



William H. Bowen School of Law
Clinical Programs

Stacey Goodwin
8A Harris Circle
Little Rock, AR 72206

Dear Ms. Goodwin:

On May 12, it was brought to the attention of the mediation program that your web blog includes references to the details of the mediation that you participated in on January. Mediation in the State of Arkansas is confidential, according to state law.

Additionally, in the Agreement to Mediate that was discussed and that you signed at the start of the mediation, you agreed to keep the mediation discussions confidential. A blank copy of the Agreement to Mediate and a copy of Arkansas’s mediation confidentiality statute are attached.

The confidentiality exception referenced by the Agreement to Mediate refers to the fact that the mediator may but is not required to report on threats of harm made during the mediation. Discussions regarding any previous threats are protected by the confidentiality statute.

Therefore, your internet publication of specifics of the mediation is in conflict with the statute and the Agreement to Mediate. We respectfully ask that you[r] remove any mention of mediation discussions from the blog. We also ask that you refrain from all future publication or discussions from your blog. We also ask that you refrain from all future publication or discussion of the mediation. You may comment on the incidents that happened that led to the mediation, or your reaction to the mediation, but not what occurred during mediation.

If you have any questions regarding the law or the Agreement to Mediate, please contact our office.


Kelly Browe Olson
Director of Clinical Programs

[OK, that was Jim Crow interesting...but, what about your mediator practicing law up-in-there, pretty ONE-SIDED to me, hungh? Ain't that just a TAD bit illegal (State & Fed BTW)?

And WHY was this OBVIOUS gang victim case SENT over to you guys anyway (cover-up?) when it should have been vigorously PROSECUTED FORTHWITH AS REQUIRED BY STATE L-A-W-S?

[AH, The invisible American Creole Indian thang ONCE again, yep, that's what me thinks. We're here!]
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Innocent People Aren’t Required To Identify Themselves, And Police Have No Authority To Arrest Them

-Qualified immunity protects public officials “from liability for civil damages insofar as their conduct does not violate clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a reasonable person would have,” the court said, adding that the trooper “acted contrary to the plain meaning” of the state statute.

...hmm, makes sense to me, I wonder what Pulaski County Sheriff's Office thinks about that?

p.s. Jim Crow Sucks

Ean Bordeaux, pro per
Creole Intrests Reporter
Citizen Complainant

-E pluribus Unum

8th Circuit Federal Court Of Appeals Rules That Innocent People Aren’t Required To Identify Themselves, And Police Have No Authority To Arrest Them If They Don’t

Posted by Admin
Published in ARKANSAS

LITTLE ROCK, AR - A police officer does not have the authority to arrest someone for refusing to identify himself when he is not suspected of committing a crime, a federal appeals panel ruled Friday.

The decision by a three-judge panel of the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Louis reversed an Arkansas federal judge’s ruling and ordered a new hearing in a Benton County man’s lawsuit challenging his arrest for refusing to show his identification during a traffic stop.

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Yellow Cab Program Keeps Drunk Drivers Off Streets

Little Rock’s Yellow Cab opened a brand new headquarters Thursday, and announced a year-long initiative aimed at keeping drunk drivers off the streets.

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Latest Comments on Yellow Cab Program Keeps Drunk Drivers Off Streets

11:00 am on 11/30/07
This is a much needed service and a great way to give people another option to get home.

10:49 am on 11/30/07
this is an excellant idea and hope it is used by those who needs it. thank you Yellow Cab!

10:35 am on 11/30/07
WOW, that is very generious of Yellow Cab and a great idea.

Yellow Cab Program Keeps Drunk Drivers Off Streets

posted 5:38 pm Thu November 29, 2007 -

Little Rock from Channel 7 -

Little Rock’s Yellow Cab opened a brand new headquarters Thursday, and announced a year-long initiative aimed at keeping drunk drivers off the streets.

In 2005, more than 200 Arkansans died in alcohol-related accidents. Yellow Cab Company hopes to lower those numbers with its Safe Ride Home program.

It is a problem bars and restaurants like Gusano's face year-round, but especially during the holidays--what to do with customers too drunk to drive home.

So when Gusano's heard about Yellow Cab Company's Safe Ride Home Program, the restaurant knew it wanted to participate.

(Samuel Johnson, Gusano’s Head Bartender) "I think it will keep people who are intoxicated off the streets--it's safer for the community, and it's better all around for everyone."

Announced during Thursday's grand opening of Yellow Cab's new headquarters, Safe Ride Home will operate throughout the year, and offer a free cab ride home to restaurant and bar patrons who have had too much to drink.

Here's how it works: Either the customer or manager can request the cab service. The customer's keys are placed in a Safe Ride Home envelope and given to the cab driver, who will return them when the customer is dropped off at their home.

For Yellow Cab, the program is a community service.

(Ellis Houston, Yellow Cab) "We're looking at all the various things we can do, and this came right to the forefront of something we can give back to the community that has supported us."

Representative of Mothers Against Drunk Driving call the program a great resource.

(Teresa Belew, MADD) "It's wonderful that a corporate partner would come forward--with a program that they don't have to do--in order to save lives in a community."

Safe Ride Home will be available at various restaurants and bars throughout Little Rock and North Little Rock.

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